Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Views on computers and micro technology

Hello Everybody,

This is my first ever blog! It is my hope that you will find my views and perspectives interesting. I will be talking mainly about computer technology and how it relates to me and the way it impacts my life. I have some rather strong opinions on certain areas of computer and micro technology, and how people at large deal with it and use it on a daily basis.

One example is the apparent dependency our society has on computer technology. For instance, I walk in to the bank to make a deposit, but their computer system is down. Instead of having a back up system in place, they are unable to do any transactions until the computers are back online. Is this a good way to run any business? I think not!

Another example of what I think is a problem that our society needs to address is the lack of etiquette people display while using their cell phones. I see people all the time, ignoring the other people they are eating a meal with, or a mom disregarding a child only so she can gossip with a friend. What happened to manners being important? New technology does not mean we should completely throw our manners out the window.

Then there is this whole texting issue. Why do we need to feel such a strong need to be in constant contact with everyone we know? Often times at the expense of others we know and care for, who are sitting right next to us. I completely do not get this!

So, now that I got that off of my chest, I guess I should say something more directly related to personal computers.

These are wonderful tools, and great toys at the same time. For the money I have spent on computers over the last 15 or so years, I feel like a lot of it was rather frivolous. I mostly play games or e-mail, none of which is essential to me and the way I live. If I did not have a personal computer, it would hinder somethings, but not cause me any real strife.

Just the same, I do get a good deal of enjoyment from them and can communicate and share pictures with relatives that live hundreds of miles away. I also learn about work related things with my computer, so there is some professional merit as well.

So in the end, it seems that I am a supporter of computers and micro technology, and, yes, I do own a cell phone. I also do sometimes use poor manners regarding the use of my cell phone.

My two cents worth,
Patrick Russell

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patrick,

    I already have an account here at the BlogSpot:

    That's not my blog, one of my players started it to help support the game I host.

    My user name here is Qwildurn, which is also my DND user name. But you know me as your brother, Bob.

    I do agree with your views, almost exactly. The shortened expression is, "There is a time and place for everything."

    I also own a cell phone and I REFUSE to use for anything other than talking and never (hopefully) in bad taste.

    Computers have also become a big part of my life. eMail, product searching, sometimes product purchasing. I have gone as far as building several web sites. I do all my HTML coding by hand with notepad. And, I even host these web sites myself.

    Both of these sites were much larger, but I made one small mistake and low-level formated all the drives on my server's RAID bank. Then, after a hurried recreation on a back-up server, that server failed and all was lost (again). So now I just have single page webs until I get around to starting over.

    For as important as electronic technology has become in our society, world-wide, it is by far the most insecure way to do banking. There is nothing private or secure about the Internet.
