Sunday, October 25, 2009

More rantings.

What is “Singularity”? Will it hurt? According to Ray Kurzweil it is a point, in which artificial intelligence equals and surpasses human intelligence. Is this even possible? Will our technological advances actually be able to “be smarter than a 5th grader”?

This will happen in another 35 years, or so, according to Kurzweil. Is this possible? I, for one, think not.

For starters, even with rapidly advancing understanding of the human brain, it seems unlikely that any machine could ever posses all the qualities of a human mind. There are many facets of a human mind, many of which could not possibly be duplicated with an algorithm. Spirituality and emotions are but a couple.

Kurzweil talks a lot about virtual reality in his discussions on Singularity. It seems to me that for artificial intelligence to even be equal, with human intelligence, it will need to do so in the real world. Until then I will enjoy my science fiction films and try to match wits with 5th graders.

Patrick Russell

1 comment:

  1. There has been more than one movie or TV show based on AI and emotion. Data of Star Trek is one. His (Data) lifelong quest was to discover and understand true emotion. Love, hate, sad, happy, laugh at a joke, tell a joke, ect...

    Even us Humans barely understand emotion. If you surveyed a cross-section of people, asking them the same set of questions, "What is love?", "Describe happy or sad.", I bet you would get so many different types of answers that it would not make since.

    The AI (computer) works in a black/white setting. Either it's on or off; true or false. All the tiny variations that make up "LOVE" would just befuddle the digital brain.

    The AI brain can't exceed it's human designer, can it? Collecting data and analyzing data for facts is what the AI is best at. What's the shortest distance between two points? What speed and trajectory is needed to slingshot around the sun?

    Should I love this person? Why do I love this person yet not another person? Both persons have very similar attributes, abilities, personalities and even physical build, yet one I love and the other I do not. Why is this? The answer clearly is not true/false.

    That's my two bits worth.
